Transportation and smart cities the focus of tripartite workshop

Standing on outside stairs
(L-R) Donald Cheung (CUHK), Judy Farvolden (UofT), Sylvia He (CUHK), Baher Abdulhai (UofT), Yee Leung (CUHK), Khandker Nurul Habib (UofT), Scott Sanner (UofT), Eric Miller (UofT), Dick Ettema (Utrecht), Steve Farber (UofT), Mark Fox (UofT)

Developing a collaborative research program in the areas of transportation and smart cities was the focus of a recent Toronto workshop attended by researchers from UofT, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Utrecht University.

The June 8-9 workshop was a follow-up to a 2016 meeting and Memorandum of Understanding initiating a tripartite research agreement.

Several areas for research collaboration were identified at the workshop:

  • establishment of inter-connected regional data observatories in Hong Kong, the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area and the Randstad urban region within The Netherland
  • networking of software platforms for smart city data collection, management and analysis under development at UTTRI and CUHK.
  • exploration of a range of issues dealing with transportation accessibility and equity, with the very different urban forms and transportation systems of three regions providing a unique opportunity for cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons.

Next steps for the group include:

  • collaborating on a couple of initial papers that extend current accessibility-related work by group members
  • starting the coordination of regional data lab activities
  • developing a formal vision statement as the basis for seeking long-term funding for group research activities.

The next workshop is planned to take place in an estimated six to twelve month in Hong Kong.