UTTRI Director Professor Eric Miller opened the 4th Annual iCity Urban Informatics Research Day with a warm welcoming address.
The day’s program showcased Year 4 achievements as well as new research from iCity-ORF: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth.
Six morning presentations and a light lunch were followed by an afternoon Research Café featuring a menu of nine interactive talks.
Attendee feedback and suggestions for “next steps” for the proposal iCity 2.0 were noted for future workshopping.
It is envisioned that iCity 2.0 will continue to focus on using data, analysis and visualization to provide us with the 21st-Century mobility solutions we need to meet our economic and social needs, efficiently, effectively, equitably and sustainably.
Funded by the Ontario Research Fund-Research Excellence RE07, iCity-ORF is a unique collaboration among:
- researchers at the University of Toronto, OCAD University and the University of Waterloo,
- public partners the City of Toronto, Waterfront Toronto and the Region of Waterloo,
- industry partners Esri Canada, IBM Canada and Cellint Data and,
- youth outreach partner, Maximum City.
Related items
- Article about iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth in Ontario Planning Journal, May/June 2017 issue, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 20-21
- iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth