Title: “Smarter Cars & Safer Driving: Human Factors-Led Design to Improve Safety”
Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Time: 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. EDT
Location: Virtual! Register below to join us on Zoom. A link will be sent prior to the event.
Driving has been transformed in recent years, but how have these massive technological advances impacted our safety?
Today, vehicles are capable of detecting/reacting to hazards, maintaining speed and the correct distance from surrounding vehicles, and assuming some or even all aspects of vehicle control. We’ve also seen the rise of sensor, wireless communication, and computing technology being used for tasks like navigation or streaming music.
While these innovations enhance the driving experience in many ways, there are also new concerns around distracted driving and safety on the road.
Join us as Professor Birsen Domnez describes this state of the art technology, the potential for distractions, and how human factors-led design can lead to a safer future for smart cars.
UTTRI associated faculty Dr. Birsen Domnez is a Professor in Industrial Engineering and the Associate Chair of Research for the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering. Her research is centered on understanding and improving human behavior and performance in multi-task and complex situations, using a wide range of analytical techniques. In particular, her research focuses on operator attention in multitask activities, decision support under uncertainty, and human automation interaction, with applications in various domains including surface transportation, healthcare, mining, and unmanned vehicle operations. She has served on multiple committees of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, and as the General Chair for AutomotiveUI’18.
MIE’s Research Spotlight Series allows faculty members within the department to share their cutting-edge research with our wider community. For more info, email Shannon Osborne: shannon.osborne@utoronto.ca.
Free, registration required.