Latest Past Events

Positive Zero presents virtual panel “Roadmap for emission-free road transport and healthy urban living”

Online via Zoom

About the "Place-based solutions for decarbonizing transport" seminar series Place-based decarbonization recognizes that different places have different capacities, paths, and costs for decarbonization; it also involves communities and businesses in designing the cities, towns, and villages they want. This seminar series, "Place-based solutions for decarbonizing transport," hosted by Positive Zero Transport Futures and co-sponsored by […]

Mobility Network presents ‘Harnessing intelligence in transportation systems’

Online Event

If you use a wayfinding app, if you idle at centrally controlled traffic lights, if your license plate is read as you get on the 407, or if the changeable message sign tells you how long it will take you to get across town — then you’ve been guided or governed by intelligent transportation systems […]

Mobility Network presents ‘The Way Forward: Designing complete communities’

Online Event

How can the 3 Ds of density, land-use diversity and pedestrian-oriented designs reduce our lengthy work commutes and build healthy, safe, equitable, sustainable complete communities? Who do these communities include? What makes them complete? Speakers Margaret Kohn is a professor and the chair of the Department of Political Science, UTSC. Matti Siemiatycki is a professor at […]