Alireza Dianat and Saeed Shakib present “Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Behaviour and Demand in the GTHA”

Online Event

This week's seminar features presentations by two University of Toronto PhD students, Alireza Dianat and Saeed Shakib. Alireza Dianat Title: "Do we need to redesign our activity-based travel demand models after COVID-19? A survey to collect data on changes and adaptations in daily activity-travel patterns during and post COVID-19 scenarios." The COVID-19 pandemic affects people’s […]

Eric Miller presents “Using an Agent/Activity-Based Microsimulation Model to Test COVID-19 Control Strategies: Model Design & Preliminary Results”

Online Event

Common models for disease spread modelling are usually aggregated, with population heterogeneities ignored. These heterogeneities typically include: Spatial distributions of population size and density Population age structure Age-specific mixing Size and composition of households Travel and out-of-home activity participation patterns. Household-based agent/activity-based microsimulation (ABM) models of daily out-of-home activity and travel such as the Travel/Activity […]

Patrick Loa presents “Exploring the Impacts of COVID-19 on Modality Styles for Non-Mandatory Trips in the Greater Toronto Area”

Online Event

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted travel behaviour in cities across the world, affecting how people travel and the reasons people leave their homes. In spite of the pandemic, and consequent the stay-at-home orders, the need to participate in non-mandatory activities remains. These activities, which include grocery shopping, social activities, and recreational activities, play a […]