Assessing electric assist cargo tricycle operations at the U of T campus – Onkar Chander, Purolator

Sandford Fleming Building, ITS Lab and Testbed, Room SF3103 10 King's College Road, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

This project is the outcome of a collaboration between the Smart Freight Centre, the University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute (UTTRI), and Purolator Courier. The project assesses the financial and operational feasibility of electric assist (EA) cargo tricycles as a last mile delivery method for Purolator on the University of Toronto campus. With strong growth […]

Smart Freight Symposium

Faculty Club 41 Willcocks St., Toronto

Agenda for November 4, 2019 Smart Freight Symposium. Parking at U of T. Registration by invitation only.

Modeling Optimization Problems via Stochastic Programming – Merve Bodur

Location: Room SF3103, 3rd floor, Sandford Fleming Building, 10 King’s College Road, University of Toronto.   MAP In this talk, we will give an introduction to modeling optimization problems where some parameters of the problem are uncertain and modeled as random variables. For instance, in power generation, energy demand is highly uncertain as well as renewal power supply at the […]

Dr. Amir Sayegh, GeoTab presents “Leveraging Telematics Data for Intelligent Transportation Systems Design”

Online Event

Title: "Leveraging Telematics Data for Intelligent Transportation Systems Design" Geotab is the #1 provider of telematics according to ABI Research. We collect 40 Billion data points everyday, including GPS, engine data, accelerometer, etc. During this talk, Dr. Sayegh will share how Geotab is using the power of AI to further evolve how intelligent transportation systems […]

Miguel Jaller presents “Who shops online and how sustainable is the delivery process?”

Online Event

The Smart Freight Centre Leadership Seminar Series presents special guest speaker Professor Miguel Jaller of the University of California Davis on Friday, February 12, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. EST. All are welcome to attend this free online webinar. Register here on Eventbrite. Description In recent years, the rapid adoption of omnichannel distribution strategies has dramatically changed how […]

Usman Ahmed presents “Modelling Freight Vehicle Type Choice using Machine Learning and Discrete Choice Methods”

Online Event

The choice of vehicle type is one of the important logistics decisions made by firms. The complex nature of the choice process is due to the involvement of multiple agents. This study employs a random forest machine learning algorithm to represent these complex interactions with limited information about shipment transportation. The data are from commercial travel […]

Professor Genevieve Giuliano presents “Heavy duty trucks: The challenge of getting to zero”

Online Event

Professor Genevieve Giuliano is Margaret and John Ferraro Chair in Effective Local Government, andDirector of the METRANS Transportation Center at USC Price. About this lecture This research considers strategies that will reduce truck emissions and achieve public health and GHG reduction targets. Freight shipments in urban areas are increasing throughout the world as a result […]

City Building Ryerson presents “Smart Freight: Safe, Green & Efficient Goods Delivery”

Online Event

City Building Ryerson's Urban Innovation Café event series brings together diverse leaders, experts and policy makers to discuss current urban innovations and their potential to solve problems in a moderated discussion and Q&A. On May 7, from noon to 1 PM, they proudly host advanced experts in transportation, management, logistics and cybersecurity for a discussion of today’s challenges […]

Teodor Gabriel Crainic presents “Urban freight transportation and logistics”

Online Event

Presented by the Smart Freight Centre Freight Leaders Series. All are welcome to attend this free online webinar. If any specific accommodations are needed, please contact as early as possible. Please join us for Q & A following the presentation. Register here on Eventbrite. Abstract Urban freight transport stands for the movement of vehicles carrying goods […]

José Holguín-Veras presents “Freight transportation policy and planning in the fight against climate change: The role of connected trucks, land use, and other tools nobody talks about”

Online via Zoom

The obvious changes in the climate—exemplified by former “hundred year weather events” taking place every other year—are adding tremendous urgency to efforts to reduce the emissions produced by mobile sources. In this context, reducing the freight transportation’s environmental footprint is an essential, though extremely hard to achieve, component of sustainability efforts. To a great extent, this […]