Alexandre Milovanoff presents “Electrification of Light-duty Vehicle Fleet alone will not Meet Mitigation Targets”

Online Event

Alexandre Milovanoff Mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from light-duty passenger vehicles (LDVs) will be necessary to maintain global warming below 2 C, and ideally below 1.5 C. In this Seminar, Alex Milovanoff will present the common approaches to reduce GHG emissions from LDVs and the quantitative methods to assess them using life cycle assessment. Mitigation […]

Marianne Hatzopoulou presents “The Paradox of Net-Zero: Cities, Transportation & Health”

Online Event

Join us December 2nd at noon as Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou confronts the challenges of climate change on transportation. Climate-change mitigation in the transportation sector is a wicked-hard problem. Low emission technologies have begun to demonstrate some promise for air quality improvements. However, higher demand for these same technologies can therefore enable uncontrolled consumption. Almost every […]

Dr. Lama Alfaseeh presents “Prediction of Greenhouse Gas Emission in Downtown Toronto Using Deep Sequence Learning”

Online Event

Mitigating the substantial undesirable impact of transportation systems on the environment is paramount. Thus, predicting Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions is one of the profound topics, especially with the emergence of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). We developed a deep learning framework to predict link-level GHG emission rate (ER) (in CO2eq gram/second) based on the most representative […]

BioZone BITS: Exploring Tradeoffs in the Use of Biomass for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Online Event

Increasing concern over fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions has led to growing interest in the use of biomass (i.e., plant material and organic waste) for both energy and materials. Around the world, government programs primarily incentivize use of biofuels in the transportation sector. In contrast, few policy drivers exist to encourage the […]

Lynette Cheah presents “Carbon footprint assessment of cross-border e-commerce shipping options”

Online via Zoom

The Smart Freight Centre Leadership Seminar Series presents special guest speaker Professor Lynette Cheah of the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) on Friday, October 15, 2021, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST. All are welcome to attend this free online webinar via Zoom. Join at: Description In the bid to stay competitive, online […]

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wegener presents CivMin Distinguished Lecture “Integrated modelling of land use and transport”

Online via Zoom

The Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series presents "Integrated modelling of land use and transport" by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Wegener, Spiekerman & Wegener – Germany. Climate researchers agree that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions significantly contribute to climate change, and that radical measures to reduce them and to adapt to no longer avoidable […]

José Holguín-Veras presents “Freight transportation policy and planning in the fight against climate change: The role of connected trucks, land use, and other tools nobody talks about”

Online via Zoom

The obvious changes in the climate—exemplified by former “hundred year weather events” taking place every other year—are adding tremendous urgency to efforts to reduce the emissions produced by mobile sources. In this context, reducing the freight transportation’s environmental footprint is an essential, though extremely hard to achieve, component of sustainability efforts. To a great extent, this […]

Mobility Network presents ‘The Way Forward: Getting mobility to Net Zero’

Online Event

In its 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, the Federal Government pledges to make it easier for Canadians to switch to electric vehicles, promising millions for charging infrastructure, and incentive programs for purchasers of electric vehicles. It refers to the benefits of hybrid and electric buses, major public transit projects, like the Ontario Line, and notes that […]