Housing finance, land use, and transportation networks – David Islip, Quantitative Risk Analyst, Canada Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company

Sandford Fleming Building, ITS Lab and Testbed, Room SF3103 10 King's College Road, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

David Ryan Islip Abstract: It is recognized that the decision-making processes of households play a fundamental role in land-use planning. Furthermore, in the case of Canada, the housing finance system and its political economy have a significant influence on household decision-making. This session will provide a basis for understanding Canada’s housing system and how it […]

Mobility Network presents ‘The Way Forward: Designing complete communities’

Online Event

How can the 3 Ds of density, land-use diversity and pedestrian-oriented designs reduce our lengthy work commutes and build healthy, safe, equitable, sustainable complete communities? Who do these communities include? What makes them complete? Speakers Margaret Kohn is a professor and the chair of the Department of Political Science, UTSC. Matti Siemiatycki is a professor at […]