Professor Sheng Liu presents “Data-Driven Approaches in Smart City Operations”

Online Event

This talk presents two projects that build data-driven solutions for city operations planning and management. The first part is devoted to the emerging food delivery operations. Working with a major food delivery service provider in China, we develop a data-driven optimization framework to minimize customers' expected delivery delay. To capture the driver's routing behaviors, we […]

Usman Ahmed presents “Modelling Freight Vehicle Type Choice using Machine Learning and Discrete Choice Methods”

Online Event

The choice of vehicle type is one of the important logistics decisions made by firms. The complex nature of the choice process is due to the involvement of multiple agents. This study employs a random forest machine learning algorithm to represent these complex interactions with limited information about shipment transportation. The data are from commercial travel […]

Dr. Moshe Ben-Akiva presents “Tri-POP: An online platform for smart mobility with prediction, optimization and personalization”

Online Event

Tri-POP is an online platform for operations of smart mobility solutions. In its core it combines online analytics for prediction, optimization, and personalization. It uses a bi-level optimization of system and user levels. The system optimization problem is solved periodically (e.g., every 5 minutes) to determine the optimal policy (e.g., pricing, fleet rebalancing, incentive allocation) […]

Dr. Rick Donnelly presents “Rediscovering the lost art of travel forecasting”

Online via Zoom

The point of travel forecasting is to inform decision-makers about the likely impacts of transport policies and investments that will irrevocably shape our cities and regions. In the past we've assumed that tomorrow will simply be a more crowded, prosperous, and congested version of our existing world. But today assuming a "business as usual" progression towards 20-30 […]