A novel evolving model of urban rail transit networks based on the local-world theory – Vivian Xin

Sandford Fleming Building, ITS Lab and Testbed, Room SF3103 10 King's College Road, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Since the expansion of the scale of urban rail construction, the networked structure is becoming a significant characteristic of rail transit systems. Recent research shows a keen interest in the complexity of the network structure, for example, the statistical features of the structure using Complex Network Theory. However, little is focusing on the dynamics during […]

Modeling Optimization Problems via Stochastic Programming – Merve Bodur

Location: Room SF3103, 3rd floor, Sandford Fleming Building, 10 King’s College Road, University of Toronto.   MAP In this talk, we will give an introduction to modeling optimization problems where some parameters of the problem are uncertain and modeled as random variables. For instance, in power generation, energy demand is highly uncertain as well as renewal power supply at the […]

Dr. Francisco Calderón Peralvo presents “Modelling Mobility Services within Agent-Based Travel Demand Model Systems and Implementation of a Ridehailing Case Study”

Online Event

Modelling increasingly dynamic and complex mobility services requires significant extensions to our conventional agent-based microsimulation (ABM) model systems. A first key aspect focuses on explicit modelling of more complex and dynamic service provision processes, involving several operational activities conducted by service providers (e.g., matching, fleet rebalancing, dynamic pricing, etc.). A second key aspect consists of […]

Joseph Chow presents “Microtransit deployment portfolio management using simulation-based scenario data upscaling”

Online via Zoom

Due to transportation technologies having such heterogeneous impacts on different communities, there needs to be better tools to evaluate the deployment of emerging technologies with limited data. Microtransit is one such technology. We propose a novel methodology to “upscale” the limited data available so that further decision-support analysis and forecast modelling can be achieved where […]

Nico Malfara and Yunfei Zhang present “Applications of Transportation Planning in Practice”

Online via Zoom

This presentation will demonstrate how concepts of transportation planning are applied in practice. Areas of transportation planning such as travel demand modelling, master planning, multi-modal planning, complete streets, transit planning and functional planning will be featured through real-world case studies, such as the City of Mississauga Lakeshore Transportation Studies, City of Brampton LRT Extension, City […]

Dr. Rick Donnelly presents “Rediscovering the lost art of travel forecasting”

Online via Zoom

The point of travel forecasting is to inform decision-makers about the likely impacts of transport policies and investments that will irrevocably shape our cities and regions. In the past we've assumed that tomorrow will simply be a more crowded, prosperous, and congested version of our existing world. But today assuming a "business as usual" progression towards 20-30 […]

Sk. Md. Mashrur & Brenden Lavoie present ‘Development of a multimodal network microsimulation model for a regional agent-based travel demand modelling for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)’

Online via Zoom

Innovative mobility solutions are constantly emerging with the advent of information and communication technologies, offering travellers multidimensional choices including, but not limited to, modes, routes, and locations. Without a fully agent-based and dynamic travel demand microsimulation modelling system, it is impossible to evaluate such emerging mobility solutions/options realistically. The network modelling component is the most […]

Travel Modelling Group workshop: Introducing the new Region of York Activity/Travel Demand Model System

Online via MS Teams

York Region developed a new generation of travel demand model, known as activity-based model (ABM). The model simulates daily activities and travel patterns of all individuals in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area, including York Region, as affected by transportation system level of service. The model was successfully applied to the Official Plan, Transportation Master […]