Alireza Dianat and Saeed Shakib present “Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Behaviour and Demand in the GTHA”

Online Event

This week's seminar features presentations by two University of Toronto PhD students, Alireza Dianat and Saeed Shakib. Alireza Dianat Title: "Do we need to redesign our activity-based travel demand models after COVID-19? A survey to collect data on changes and adaptations in daily activity-travel patterns during and post COVID-19 scenarios." The COVID-19 pandemic affects people’s […]

Saeed Shakib presents ‘A new choice experiment design method to capture post-pandemic residential relocation behaviour in Greater Toronto Area’

Online Event

In this presentation, I will discuss the progress and our most recent findings on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on households' long-term residential mobility and relocation choice, on behalf of the Transportation Demand Modelling Group. The data used in the study is from a two-stage survey we collected in July 2020 and 2021. The […]