Joseph Chow presents “Microtransit deployment portfolio management using simulation-based scenario data upscaling”

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Due to transportation technologies having such heterogeneous impacts on different communities, there needs to be better tools to evaluate the deployment of emerging technologies with limited data. Microtransit is one such technology. We propose a novel methodology to “upscale” the limited data available so that further decision-support analysis and forecast modelling can be achieved where […]

Dr. Rick Donnelly presents “Rediscovering the lost art of travel forecasting”

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The point of travel forecasting is to inform decision-makers about the likely impacts of transport policies and investments that will irrevocably shape our cities and regions. In the past we've assumed that tomorrow will simply be a more crowded, prosperous, and congested version of our existing world. But today assuming a "business as usual" progression towards 20-30 […]