Willem Klumpenhouwer presents “Talking Demand-Responsive Transit in Canada: Effective, or Exaggerated?”

Online Event

Demand-responsive transit, on-demand transit, microtransit. Adding technology-powered flexibility to transit service is not a new concept, but with smartphones in (almost) every pocket and the emergence of cloud-based applications, a huge number of new on-demand transit services are being piloted in Canada. Many politicians, planners, and operators have looked to on-demand transit as a potential […]

Willem Klumpenhouwer and Diego Silva present “Living on a fare: Dashboarding fare-sensitive access and equity in major U.S. urban areas”

Online via Zoom

While premium transit modes such as commuter rail can improve access to opportunities, the higher fares that accompany these services create barriers to their use. Fare-sensitive access measures require accurate estimation of fare costs between origins and destinations. They are not often included in public transit access analyses because of data limitations and computational complexity. […]

Transit Analytics Lab (TAL) 2022 Research Day

Online via Zoom

The Transit Analytics Lab (TAL) of the University of Toronto brings together transportation and technology researchers from across the University of Toronto, transit systems in the Golden Horseshoe area, and private sector technology providers and consultants. Among its objectives are to: foster innovation in transit data-driven tools (analytics) using advanced methods of data science, machine […]