The third annual Air & Odor Management Conference and Technology Showcase (AOMCTS) was presented by Scentroid and the University of Toronto September 19 and 20, 2019, at U of T’s Hart House, marking the conference’s first time in Canada. Dr. Ardevan Bakhtari of Scentroid chaired the conference and UTTRI associated faculty Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou acted as co-chair.
This year’s theme was “Air Pollution in the Cloud: Transformative Sensing and Data Mining for Cleaner Air.”

Speakers from across North America, Europe and South America discussed a wide range of issues, from decaying air quality in the countryside, to harmful odours within dense urban centers, to the increasingly sensitive sensory technology needed for cutting-edge research.

Each day’s program included a plenary and three technical sessions. An evening “mixer” reception was held September 18 in Hart House’s beautiful outdoor quad.

Individuals from over 30 institutions, government branches, corporations, and universities attended.
In all, the 2019 conference drew over 150 attendees, speakers, and organizers, as well as 17 business sponsors.
Media coverage
CBC TV – News with Dwight Drummond (video)

This CBC News video explores air quality concerns of Toronto residents, the latest research and technical developments featured at AOMCTS 2019, as well as interviews with individuals from Scentroid, City of Toronto Public Health and University of Toronto.
Click here to follow a link to the video (duration 15 min.).
Online news articles
CBC News, How hi-tech sensors on buildings, cars and in the sky could help keep Toronto’s air clean by Philip Lee-Shanok, September 21, 2019
Business Chief, Toronto could use next-gen sensors to tackle air pollution by Ollie Mulkerrins, September 24, 2019