Dr. Anahita Jami presented “Greenhouse Gas Emission Modelling for the Transit Sector” at the EV2018VE Conference in Ottawa in April.
Dr. Jami is a postdoctoral fellow with the Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) and the University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute (UTTRI).
The research was carried out by Dr. Jami, Dr. Josipa Petrunic of the Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC), Dr. Kristina Mlakar of CUTRIC and UofT, and Dr. Amer Shalaby of UTTRI.
The objective of this research is to map out the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of Ontario’s transit agencies, which will help policymakers and transit agencies measure year-to-year GHG emissions. The purpose of these measurements is to use them to quantify the manner in which Ontario transit systems could qualify for Cap and Trade revenues in the future to advance the technology and ridership solutions aiming at GHG reduction and achieving Ontario’s climate change goals.
A system-by-system evaluation of transit agencies has been developed to better understand which transit companies are low, medium, or high emitters based on GHG emissions from mobile sources. This evaluation has led to the creation of a draft Report Card documenting a relative score for each transit agency. Four preliminary indicators were chosen to develop the Report Card: CO2e per passenger, per revenue vehicle kilometer, CO2e per passenger, per service area density, CO2e per vehicle, per revenue vehicle kilometre, and CO2e per vehicle, per service area density.