Gregory Lue has generously shared presentation materials from his talk for the UT-ITE Seminar Series* on February 24, 2017. The research study and report comprised his MASc thesis in the Department of Civil Engineering at University of Toronto which he completed under the supervision of Professor Eric J. Miller, Director of UTTRI.
Estimating a Toronto Pedestrian Route Choice Model using Smartphone GPS Data, Gregory Lue
This study uses revealed preference GPS data collected through a smartphone-based travel survey and discrete choice modelling techniques to develop a pedestrian route choice model and determine pedestrians’ preferences towards street infrastructure, built environment, and land use. A path size logit model with stochastic route choice generation choice set was used for this model.
*The Winter Term 2017 Seminar Series is presented by the University of Toronto Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Student Chapter in the ITS Lab (Sandford Fleming Building, Room 3103) every Friday to April 7 from 11:00 a.m. to noon.
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