Hatzopoulou introduces the “UrbanScanner”

car with sensors on roof
The “UrbanScanner”

UTTRI associated faculty Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou introduces the “UrbanScanner” and the air quality research it will make possible.

“Two years in the making and finally this prototype is ready to hit the streets of Toronto.

Along with great partners at Scentroid (IDES Canada Inc.) we developed “UrbanScanner,” a vehicle equipped with air pollution sensors, a 360deg camera, Lidar, wind anemometer, and AI platforms able to measure, understand, and predict near road air pollution as a function of traffic, built environment, meteorology, and many local features extracted from images.

After rigorous field testing and validation, which began in summer, “UrbanScanner” has been circulating in Toronto since mid-August, collecting air quality and pairing these data with images of the urban environment.

Head shot of Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou
Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou

When you see this little car circulating in Toronto, please wave, a UofT grad or research associate is likely in there!” – Marianne Hatzopoulou

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