November 1, 2018.
iCity researchers, technology partners and expert users’ groups presented a workshop October 31 as part of IBM’s 28th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2018). The workshop was designed and chaired by Dr. Sara Diamond, President, OCAD University.
The session, entitled “iCity – Big Data and Visualization Urban Transportation Strategies,” shared an overview of the philosophy, methodologies and research outcomes of the iCity virtual lab.
The workshop’s presentations will be shared online soon.
The iCity research project applies urban informatics – the combination of high-performance computing, massive “big data” sets, and advanced analysis, simulation and visualization software – to the analysis of major urban transportation problems.
iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth, funded by the Ontario Research Fund (ORF), is a UTTRI-led collaboration with colleagues at OCAD-U and the University of Waterloo, and partners at the City of Toronto, Waterfront Toronto, Esri Canada, IBM Canada and Cellint.