UTTRI Program Director Dr. Judy Farvolden talked to Dwight Drummond about Toronto’s King Street Pilot in an interview for CBC News at Six on November 14, 2017.
Click here to go to YouTube video clip of Judy’s interview.

Question from interviewer Dwight Drummond
What do these developments say about a shift in thinking that’s happening in our city?
Judy Farvolden’s responses
We have 20,000 people in cars and 65,000 people who would like to use transit – so we clearly have to do something more for those people on transit.
The City recently completed the bike lane on Bloor pilot project. A lot of design work went into that, and it was followed by analyses of the economic, congestion and demand impacts. Based on all of that, Council decided to make it permanent.
King Street’s another big experiment. We’ll use the lessons learned here to figure out what we can do on other major transit arteries and with other modes of transportation like cycling and walking.
Toronto is growing. Not only do we have to take care of the people who are here, we have to prepare for growth. We aren’t going to build more streets, so we don’t have room for more cars. We have to find a way to accommodate everybody. Everybody is trying to get around and ultimately, transportation is just a means to an end.