UTTRI associated faculty Professor Matti Siemiatycki was quoted in the May 3 Toronto Star article “Future residents likely to push King St. streetcars back past limits, study finds“:
Toronto has seen rapid housing growth for years, particularly along King St., which has caused transit infrastructure to “creak under the pressure” because it hasn’t seen corresponding investments, said Matti Siemiatycki, an associate professor at the University of Toronto, whose expertise includes urban and transportation planning.
“The King St. pilot frees up some additional transit capacity, but not nearly enough,” he said. “I think we’re starting to experience the crowding and the challenges. Growth is continuing along this corridor and it’s only going to exacerbate the challenge in that area.”
Siemiatycki said transit should be given the priority, especially in the downtown core, but making neighbourhoods more pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly is also necessary.