Toronto’s AV Tactical Plan a reference for other cities, says Farvolden

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Dr. Judy Farvolden

UTTRI Executive Director Dr. Judy Farvolden spoke to the City of Toronto’s Infrastructure and Environment Committee at their October 17 meeting about the Draft AV Tactical Plan.

Dr. Farvolden’s later comments on the plan were reported by Electric Autonomy Canada, on October 25 in the article “Toronto plan sets goal to be autonomous vehicle-ready by 2022” and again on October 30 in “In a North American first, Toronto City Council greenlights autonomous vehicle plan:”

“I think this report will be reference material for cities elsewhere to see what they should be doing,” she says. “It’s a statement of what’s understood today and what remains to be understood and the plan for incorporating these services into cities so they can achieve these goals.”

The City of Toronto’s Automated Vehicles Tactical Plan  was approved by City Council on October 29, 2019.

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