On Feb. 1 Professor Markos Papageorgiou presented a free public lecture in Toronto as part of the University of Toronto Department of Civil+Mineral Engineering Distinguished Lecture series. This particular lecture was additionally sponsored by CAA.

Professor Papageorgiou’s one-hour presentation entitled “Traffic Management for the 21st Century” included memorable lines such as “Intelligent vehicles may lead to dumb traffic flow” and examined possible outcomes of different future scenarios.

Following his presentation, knowledgeable and articulate invited panelists shared their views and provided local context. Audience Q&A around this timely topic – with so many questions yet to be answered – resulted in learning on all sides.

The large and receptive audience enjoyed hearing from Teresa Di Felice, Director, Government & Community Relations, CAA; Stephen Erwin, Head, Intelligent Transportation Systems, MTO; Gregg Loane, Manager, ITS Capital Delivery, City of Toronto. Discussion was moderated by Baher Abdulhai, Professor and Director, Toronto Intelligent Transportation Systems Centre. Dr. Judy Farvolden, Program Director at the University of Toronto Transportation Institute, moderated the audience Q & A.
Professor Papageorgiou kindly shared his presentation PDF here.
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