UTTRI’s Travel Modelling Group (TMG) held a half-day workshop March 13 focusing on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) applications in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area (GTHA).

TMG is led by Professor Eric Miller and is sponsored by provincial and regional transportation planning agencies to develop improved travel demand modelling methods for the region.

Dynamic Traffic Assignment or DTA models simulate traffic flows within the region, allowing researchers and planners to understand the amount, location and sources of roadway congestion.

Presentations by Metrolinx (Chris Fong), Region of York (Kevin Ye), IBI Group (Golnaz Ghafghazi and Scott Johnston) and WSP (Natalie Mendonca and Bryce Sharman) explored a wide variety of in-the-field applications of DTA methods and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the current state of practice.

The Travel Modelling Group (TMG) hosts biannual workshops to provide its partner agencies – MTO, Metrolinx, the City of Toronto, all of the regions in the GTHA, as well as the City of Mississauga – an in-depth look at a specific topic in travel modelling.
- Workshop presentation files (posted on TMG website)
- 2019 Dynamic Traffic Assignment Workshop
- Dynamic Traffic Modelling for York Region – Kevin Ye, York Region
- Space-Time Traffic Assignment – Bryce Sharman, WSP
- Why or Why Not DTA? Case-Studies of Macro and Micro-Simulation Modelling – Scott Johnston and Golnaz Ghafghazi, IBI Group
- DTA Workshop Applications -Natalie Mendonca, WSP
- 2019 Dynamic Traffic Assignment Workshop