Seyed Mehdi Meshkani presents “A dynamic many-to-one ride-matching algorithm for shared mobility services on congested networks”

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On-demand shared mobility is a promising and sustainable transportation approach that can mitigate vehicle externalities, such as traffic congestion and emission. On-demand shared mobility systems require matching of one (one-to-one) or multiple riders (many-to-one) to a vehicle based on real-time information. We propose a novel Graph-based Many-to-One ride-Matching (GMOMatch) algorithm for the dynamic many-to-one matching […]

Joseph Chow presents “Microtransit deployment portfolio management using simulation-based scenario data upscaling”

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Due to transportation technologies having such heterogeneous impacts on different communities, there needs to be better tools to evaluate the deployment of emerging technologies with limited data. Microtransit is one such technology. We propose a novel methodology to “upscale” the limited data available so that further decision-support analysis and forecast modelling can be achieved where […]

Ana Patricia Ayala presents “An overview of knowledge syntheses methods”

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Learn about the different types of knowledge syntheses: systematic reviews, scoping reviews, rapid reviews, and more. The similarities and differences between these study types, the different steps in the process, and key aspects critical for ensuring their successful completion. Patricia Ayala Patricia Ayala is Research Services Librarian at University of Toronto Libraries. She has worked on […]

Nico Malfara and Yunfei Zhang present “Applications of Transportation Planning in Practice”

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This presentation will demonstrate how concepts of transportation planning are applied in practice. Areas of transportation planning such as travel demand modelling, master planning, multi-modal planning, complete streets, transit planning and functional planning will be featured through real-world case studies, such as the City of Mississauga Lakeshore Transportation Studies, City of Brampton LRT Extension, City […]

Dr. Rick Donnelly presents “Rediscovering the lost art of travel forecasting”

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The point of travel forecasting is to inform decision-makers about the likely impacts of transport policies and investments that will irrevocably shape our cities and regions. In the past we've assumed that tomorrow will simply be a more crowded, prosperous, and congested version of our existing world. But today assuming a "business as usual" progression towards 20-30 […]

Kevin Wong presents “Developing a generative design framework for optimising public transit network design”

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Despite the plethora of tools and data available to transit planners, transit network design has remained mostly a manual task. Nevertheless, there have been many attempts to use algorithms and computing to optimise transit network design based on geography, demand and operating resources. However, the Transit Network Design Problem (TNDP) and Transit Network Design and […]

Dr. Eric Miller presents “Everything you wanted to know about report writing but were afraid to ask”

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This presentation discusses various elements of report writing as a guide to graduate students preparing term project reports, journal articles, theses, etc. It is intended to address some typical issues that graduate students encounter in their writing. Topics discussed include: report organization; report style; treatment of tables, figures, exhibits and appendices; grammar and syntax; spelling […]

Kanchan Maharaj presents “Equity in active transportation planning, design, and delivery”

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The City of Toronto's Cycling Network Plan (CNP) serves as a roadmap and work plan outlining the City’s planned investments in cycling infrastructure in the near-term and intentions for the long-term. The CNP is grounded in many city policies and strategies including the Official Plan, the Road to Health, Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, TransformTO […]

Raphael Dumas presents “Analyzing the transportation impacts of Toronto’s vehicle-for-hire industry 2019-2021”

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In 2019 the Big Data Innovation Team, in partnership with Municipal Licensing and Standards, prepared an analysis of the impacts of Vehicles for Hire and Private Transportation Companies on the City of Toronto’s Transportation Network including on congestion, equity, transit, and curb utilization. Following that report Council required further datasets of the Vehicle-for-Hire industry starting […]

Willem Klumpenhouwer and Diego Silva present “Living on a fare: Dashboarding fare-sensitive access and equity in major U.S. urban areas”

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While premium transit modes such as commuter rail can improve access to opportunities, the higher fares that accompany these services create barriers to their use. Fare-sensitive access measures require accurate estimation of fare costs between origins and destinations. They are not often included in public transit access analyses because of data limitations and computational complexity. […]