Nathaniel Baum-Snow is a Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy at the Rotman School of Management. He received a PhD in Economics from the University of Chicago in 2005, after which he was in the Economics Department at Brown University until 2015. Baum-Snow’s research investigates reasons for levels of and changes in the spatial organization of population and economic activity in urban areas. He has evaluated the roles that various types of transportation infrastructure have played in generating changes in urban form in the United States and China, and associated welfare consequences. Baum-Snow has also investigated the reasons why workers earn more and have more dispersed wages in larger cities and how these explanations help us to understand the productivity advantages of density. Other work investigates how racial interactions in school and low income housing have influenced urban change at metropolitan area and neighborhood spatial scales in the United States. Current research topics include housing supply and measuring very local spillovers that operate between firms, workers and households.
Specialty Focus Areas
Transportation economics, urban economics, agglomeration.
Email: Nate.Baum.Snow@rotman.utoronto.ca
Website: sites.google.com/site/baumsnow