Assessing electric assist cargo tricycle operations at the U of T campus – Onkar Chander, Purolator

Sandford Fleming Building, ITS Lab and Testbed, Room SF3103 10 King's College Road, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

This project is the outcome of a collaboration between the Smart Freight Centre, the University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute (UTTRI), and Purolator Courier. The project assesses the financial and operational feasibility of electric assist (EA) cargo tricycles as a last mile delivery method for Purolator on the University of Toronto campus. With strong growth […]

Graduate studies in transportation at U of T: Things to know and follow – Professor Khandker Nurul Habib

Sandford Fleming Building, ITS Lab and Testbed, Room SF3103 10 King's College Road, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, Canada

Professor Khandker Nurul Habib is leading the research programs in sustainable transportation planning, demand modelling and travel survey methods (the Travel Demand Modelling Group: TDMG) at the University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute.  He has extensive research and consulting experience in transportation engineering and planning. Professor Nurul Habib’s overall research focus is sustainable transportation planning […]