Posts Categorized: Travel demand forecasting
Professor Khandker Nurul Habib was awarded funding from NSERC’s Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) Program to work with Stantec on the project “Simplified framework to forecast multimodal travel demand for […]
Professor Khandker Nurul Habib‘s research project “Assessment of the Impacts of Autonomous Vehicle System on Transportation Demand in the Greater Golden Horseshoe Area” received funding from the Ministry of Transportation Ontario’s Highway Infrastructure Innovations […]
Transformative and automated technologies affecting transportation systems are the focus of UTTRI’s iCity Centre for Automated and Transformative Transportation Systems (iCity-CATTS).
UTTRI Director, Professor Eric Miller travelled to California to present a workshop aimed at leading researchers from different disciplines and at different stages in their careers. The purpose? To fundamentally rethink […]
A PDF of Robert Bain’s December 5th presentation for UTTRI, Travel Demand Forecasts: Predictive Performance, Rob Bain, is now available. Note on the PDF: This presentation is part of an on-going […]
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