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Mobility Network presents ‘The Way Forward: Designing complete communities’

Online Event

How can the 3 Ds of density, land-use diversity and pedestrian-oriented designs reduce our lengthy work commutes and build healthy, safe, equitable, sustainable complete communities? Who do these communities include? What makes them complete? Speakers Margaret Kohn is a professor and the chair of the Department of Political Science, UTSC. Matti Siemiatycki is a professor at […]

Housing finance, land use, and transportation networks – David Islip, Quantitative Risk Analyst, Canada Guaranty Mortgage Insurance Company

Sandford Fleming Building, ITS Lab and Testbed, Room SF3103 10 King's College Road, 3rd Floor, Toronto

David Ryan Islip Abstract: It is recognized that the decision-making processes of households play a fundamental role in land-use planning. Furthermore, in the case of Canada, the housing finance system and its political economy have a significant influence on household decision-making. This session will provide a basis for understanding Canada’s housing system and how it […]