September 28, 2017
UTTRI researchers took the 11th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods in Estérel, Québec by storm this week, beginning with the opening keynote address given by Director Eric Miller, “TTS 2.0: Survey Methods R&D Program for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Area.”
The keynote address was co-authored by Khandker Nurul Habib, Siva Srikukenthiran, Martin Lee-Gosselin (Laval University), Catherine Morency (Polytechnique Montréal), Matthew J. Roorda and Amer Shalaby, co-investigators on UTTRI’s three-year TTS 2.0 project which is developing new travel survey methods for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
UTTRI presented six other papers:
- Chung, B., S. Srikukenthiran, K.N. Habib and E.J. Miller, “Development of a Web Survey Builder Platform for Household Travel Surveys.”
- El-Assi, W., K.M.N. Habib, C. Morency, and E.J. Miller, “Investigating the Capacity of Continuous Household Travel Survey in Capturing the Temporal Rhythm of Travel Demands.”
- Harding, C., S. Srikukenthiran, K.N. Habib and E.J. Miller, “Evaluation of cost effectiveness and feasibility of in-person surveys as an augment to the regional travel survey: A case study in the Toronto area.”
- Harding, C., Z.T. Zhang, S. Srikukenthiran, K.N. Habib and E.J. Miller, “On the User Experience and Performance of Smartphone Apps as Personalized Travel Survey Instruments: Results from an Experiment in Toronto.”
- Srikukenthiran, S., K.N. Habib and E.J. Miller, “Impact of a Multiple Survey Frames on Data Quality of Household Travel Surveys: The case of the 2016 Transportation Tomorrow Survey.”
- Srikukenthiran, S., K.N. Habib, T. Lin and E.J. Miller “Inverted Sampling Frames to overcome Under-Coverage of specific Population Cohorts: Examining the viability of recruiting households via employers and institutions.”
The Conference wraps up tomorrow.