One of the great research outcomes of iCity: Urban Informatics for Metropolitan Sustainable Growth is the creation of the City Data Model Project Collaboratory.
The City Data Model Project Collaboratory was created by Dr. Megan Katsumi and Professor Mark S. Fox to foster international collaboration toward a common city data model.

The City Data Model will be a common data model that will provide a precise, unambiguous representation of information and knowledge commonly shared across city services. It will:
- enable city software applications to share information, plan, coordinate, and execute city tasks; and
- support decision making within and across city services by providing a precise, unambiguous representation of information and knowledge commonly shared across city services.
Wiki contributions are welcome. Browse the City Data Model Collaboration Wiki and sign up to comment, suggest changes, propose additions and create content.
The City Data Model flows from iCity Transportation Planning Suite of Ontologies, a project designed to support the integration of transportation planning data in order to eliminate many of the challenges that are associated with the collection and processing of data, as well as the dissemination and interpretation of research results. It is being used as the basis for three new ISO/IEC projects that focus on the specification of standards for city services data.
iCity: Urban Informatics for Metropolitan Sustainable Growth is a five-year collaborative research project ending June 2020, funded by the Ontario Research Fund, Research Excellence, Round 7.