The Royal Canadian Institute for Science presented a public panel in their RCITalks series, “Cities of the Future: Getting Around in 2070” at U of T on May 26.
Two UTTRI associated faculty, Professors Shauna Brail and Steven Farber took part, as well as Sidewalk Toronto’s Dr. Andrew Miller and Ryerson University’s Professor Rakim Mitra.
Mobility is central to life in cities. After decades of little to no innovation in mobility, we currently face the potential of both dramatic disruption and improvement to the ways in which we move from place to place. In many cities around the world, there is a renewed emphasis on active transportation, investing in and building public transportation systems, and in connecting the built environment to transportation planning. At the same time, the transition to electric, autonomous and shared vehicles presents new possibilities for moving people and goods. Looking to the future, this event seeks to understand and address the directions in which mobility will move us in the year 2070.
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RCIScience is a registered charity, funded through contributions and sponsorships from universities, corporations and individuals who believe in their vision. They provide a platform for public engagement with leading scientists, to foster critical thinking, expand science dialogue and promote informed decision making.