UTTRI associated faculty Dr. Enid Slack says that pre-existing municipal finance issues are being exacerbated during the pandemic in her article “What COVID-19 teaches us about municipal responsibilities and how to pay for them,” Municipal World, July 23, 2020.
Municipalities across Canada are confronting housing, public health, and climate crises with limited revenue sources to address them. This problem is particularly acute in Ontario, where municipalities are partially responsible for the cost of social services.
Dr. Slack has long recommended changes in cost-sharing between the Province of Ontario and municipalities. A recent example is the January 23, 2020 Ontario 360 policy paper “In It Together: Clarifying Provincial-Municipal Responsibilities in Ontario” which Slack co-authored with Dr. Gabriel Eidelman and Tomas Hachard.
Read the full article “What COVID-19 teaches us about municipal responsibilities and how to pay for them,” Municipal World, July 23, 2020.