UTTRI associated faculty Professors Matti Siemiatycki and Shoshanna Saxe are working with Dr. Dan Durrant of UCL’s Bartlett School of Planning to identify the pressures created in infrastructure planning and delivery in London and in Toronto.
Dr. Durrant received funding for the project through the UCL-Toronto Strategic Partner Funds which are designed to encourage academic collaboration between the two institutions.
Here are two excerpts from “UCL collaborates with Toronto to address infrastructure provision in global cities” which appears on UCL Global’s website:
“By bringing together experts with backgrounds in social science and engineering from both cities, the researchers hope to identify the pressures created in infrastructure planning and delivery. To do this, they have undertaken a census of major projects worth over £500 million in London and $500 million in Toronto.”
“The researchers hope that the project’s findings will have positive implications for policymakers globally, providing insight into how to speed up projects but also make them more efficient and democratic.”