Wide range of climate change mitigation strategies needed: Milovanoff, Posen, MacLean

Head shots of Alexandre Milovanoff, I. Daniel Posen and Heather MacLean
PhD candidate Alexandre Milovanoff, left, and his co-supervisors Professor I. Daniel Posen and Professor Heather MacLean co-authored a research paper showing that climate change cannot be mitigated by EV adoption alone.

“Electrification of light-duty vehicle fleet alone will not meet mitigation targets” by Alexandre Milovanoff, UTTRI associated faculty Professor I. Daniel Posen and Professor Heather MacLean is making headlines. The research paper published in Nature Climate Change analyzes the U.S. and is the subject of articles by Scientific American, the U.K.’s Daily Mail and U of T Engineering News.

According to the paper,

Climate change mitigation strategies are often technology-oriented, and electric vehicles (EVs) are a good example of something believed to be a silver bullet.

The authors’ analysis shows that meeting target emissions reductions by 2050 using EVs alone is extremely unlikely.

They state that EV adoption will help, but conclude that “there is therefore a need for a wide range of policies that include measures to reduce vehicle ownership and usage.”

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