The iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth project is coming to a close after five years of successful collaboration between UTTRI, OCAD-U and University of Waterloo, led by Principal Investigator and UTTRI Director, Dr. Eric Miller.
The goal of iCity was to find innovative ways to improve urban transportation system performance and design efficient, sustainable cities for the well-being of individuals and society. Outcomes were achieved by building select applications, enabled by novel visualizations, on a foundation of data, ontologies and platforms.
This webinar series, hosted by UTTRI Executive Director Dr. Judy Farvolden, will summarize, share and celebrate the research initiatives and innovations produced over the course of the project, wrapping up with a preview of research proposed for iCity 2.0.
iCity researchers co-created innovative ways to improve urban transportation system performance through the design of complete streets, understanding parking behaviour, improving transit resilience, extending our understanding of the interactions between land use and transportation and exploring the behaviours of pedestrians. Rigorous transportation research, built on a foundation of data, ontologies and platforms was effectively enabled by novel visualizations, resulting in a suite of data standards, dashboards and tools we hope will be useful to our iCity partners and others.
The online presentations are scheduled over five days as shown below. Admission is free and all are welcome. Registration is required.
Click here for PDF of full webinar series agenda, speakers and registration links.
Learn about the results of an initiative to create an ISO ontology standard for data related to transportation and a platform for Advanced Traveller Information Systems.
Review project visualization needs and development of the base tools and understanding to deliver them.
Explore the use of ontologies to connect data otherwise separated in silos, effective visualizations of travel demand flows, and learn about a tool to optimize “bus bridging” for times when bus services replace subways.
Watch a demo of a game that simulates the behaviour of users looking for parking, a Complete Streets Design Toolkit, learn how the Waterloo Region LRT has changed the behaviours of pedestrian tours and about KidScore, a project from iCity youth outreach partner, Maximum City.
Learn about a longitudinal analysis of GTHA transportation networks, urban form, accessibility and land value, and next steps, aka iCity 2.0: Urban Data Science for Future Urban Mobility.
iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth is funded by the Ontario Research Fund, Research Excellence, Round 7.