UTTRI postdoctoral fellow Ahmadreza Faghih Imani, Director Professor Eric Miller and associated faculty Professor Shoshanna Saxe co-authored “Cycle accessibility and level of traffic stress: A case study of Toronto” which was published in Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 80, October 2019.
“In this paper, we continue the research on bicycle accessibility by employing the level of traffic stress as the measure of bicycle suitability of the network accommodating the safety and comfort concerns of the cyclists. We compute the level of traffic stress for every road segment, intersection and bikeway in the City of Toronto.”
The case study on traffic stress experienced by cyclists on the street and path network in the City of Toronto was featured in the Toronto Star article “What a novel new study tells us about why Toronto residents don’t bike to work” by Ben Spurr, September 9, 2019.
The study mapped a Toronto cycling network with 56,156 links and a total length of 7,530 km.

Related: Why don’t more Torontonians bike to work? U of T study points to disconnected cycling infrastructure, U of T Engineering News, September 11, 2019.