foundations profiles UTTRI associated faculty

Four UTTRI associated faculty were among those profiled in the first issue of foundations, the new magazine of the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering.

two stand still in busy pedestrian crossing
Professor Khandker Nurul Habib, left, with MASc Candidate Sina Azizi Soldouz (Photo: Phill Snel, Dept. of Civil & Mineral Eng, U of T)
  • Professor Shoshanna Saxe‘s New York Times OpEd is reprinted in its entirety.
  • The research of Professor Khandker Nurul Habib and MASc candidate Sina Azizi Soldouz was featured in “On Being Seen: Autonomous vehicles and pedestrians with sight loss.” For additional information on the research, please see the summary for Soldouz’ thesis “Understanding the impact of connected and automated vehicles for pedestrians with sight loss.”
  • Professor Marianne Hatzopoulou gives her view on the role of civil and mineral engineers in the world in “We hold the evidence.”
  • In “The triple bottom line” Professor Amer Shalaby talks about changes to the profession.

Check out the complete Fall 2019 issue of foundations online here.