UTTRI associated faculty Professor Shoshanna Saxe was a panelist along with Shelley Carroll, Toronto City Councillor and TTC Commissioner, and Steve Munro, transit activist, on “What’s the Future of the TTC?” on The Agenda with Steve Paikin.
The episode looks at the return of commuters to transit post-COVID, as well as the need to plan for increased network capacity, on the occasion of the TTC’s 100th anniversary.
Saxe said that this is the time to plan to bring the TTC back better, with improved service using strategies such as priority bus-only lanes. “I’d like to see us be really ambitious about service, and where people can go quickly on the TTC.”
“It’s not just about re-establishing what we had before, but about establishing something that’s better.”
“We do a really bad job, as humans, in understanding how long infrastructure lasts for. When we’re talking about the future of the TTC, we should be talking about 10 years from now, 20 years from now, in addition to one year from now and five years from now.” – Professor Shoshanna Saxe
- Watch the video recording of the full panel discussion “What’s the Future of the TTC?” The Agenda with Steve Paikin, TVO, October 26, 2021.